Mount Hope
Mount Hope
Christian Academy
2 Year Olds
Two year olds are very curious about the world around them. They are rapidly learning to explore and communicate. As your two year old begins to establish their independence, teachers and staff will nurture the child’s development in a safe and loving environment, while establishing age-appropriate expectations. The curriculum will develop and increase vocabulary, bible stories, centers and dramatic play, activities and crafts that develop curiosity and interests, counting, shapes and colors, and gross and fine motor skills. Children in the 2 Year Olds Program will work to master developmentally appropriate skills in the following areas:
8am - 12pm
Teachers use observations and a variety of other tools to assess learner growth and achievement. Progress reports are issued weekly. Teachers are available from 1-3 PM daily and by request for phone calls regarding your child’s progress. Parents are also encouraged to attend parent conferences.
1pm - 3pm
Included in a preschooler’s tuition is the option to remain at MHCA until 3:00 daily. From 1:00 p.m - 3:00 p.m., students have a daily nap time and are engaged in play as well as special activities.
Parents can register preschool students for our before and after school programs. For more information, please see the Before and After school program options..